Monday, February 25, 2013

Keep calm and do my project~

Hey, wassup guys..

It’s me again for the end of February 2013. Phewwit~

Time pass fast and it’s been a week since I’m back at my university. The good news is I had finally started my sampling for my final year project (it’s raining heavily here and it’s a good weather for me to start my sampling as well as sleeping :P). It’s not easy as I thought after all. However, I was still able overcome it. 

Plus, I even give some blood donation to the leech (I'm a universal donater. LOL) and I didn’t notice it till I saw blood on my shoulder when I’m bathing (I think I am tough. LOL). Right now all I had to do is keep pace with my project. Hopefully, there is not much obstacle for me after this.

Anyway, it’s already final semester. Many of my friends had already decided what they might be after they graduate from university. Some choose to further study while some choose to get a job. Both had their advantages and disadvantages (as long as you are happy for what you have decided).

Alright, peeps..

I gonna end this post with photo of equipment I use for my sampling. More photos will be uploaded in the near future.

Peace out..
That's a 50m measuring tape and a showel. Can anyone guess what I am doing for my  project?

p.s: I might lost my direction but I never lost my confidence. It’s still in me and waiting to be awake.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Beginning of My New Adventure~

What’s up peeps??

It’s me again for the February post. I’m so happy that I finally entering my new semester back at my university (this is also my last semester).  YEAY!! I’m about to go into the working life (I love it and I can’t wait for it). But right now my main focus is on my last semester (anyway I still in the mood of CNY. LOL). Hopefully, I am able to finish my thesis with no obstruction (wish me luck, dude).

For this year celebration, everything are quite simple (no big plan) since lot of my friend had started working. It’s hard to meet up with them and gather for a long chit chat. However, I still managed to do some gathering with my close buddy. Some of them I haven’t meet them like in 2-3 years. For those I did not have time to catch up maybe we can gather other time. I still miss you all. LOL.

Alright, I’m going to end my post now with a photo of me in Chinese New Year Mood. As for always, thanks for reading my post.

Peace out!

p.s: Life is a journey. When an adventure end, you will begin another new adventure.

That's me (just simple) :)

My new determination is to not growing my fingernails anymore