Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hey, wassup guy..

It's already the end of the month of March( April's fool is coming :p). Gonna admit it time passes really fast. In this time i met a lot of people(which mean i see more different attitude; some are good, some are worst).

Alright, so today my post will be on about human attitude. Back then, i meet alot people with worst attitude(not gonna name them here). The majority people i meet are hypocrite. They told you not to do this, not to do that but they will be the one doing all those stuff. So, i learn from the past. Just tell them stfu. Determine yourself and go for it peeps!!

The second type is the type that would like to steal your idea and will always lead you to the wrong way. This person i consider as the selfish type. They feel pleasure when they get to prank or trick you. To handle this type of person, one should avoid them as much as possible(they are the traumatised person so the revenge it on us).

Move on, another worst person i have meet currently is the type that keep on praising himself or herself. Dude, i'm totally annoyed with this type of person. This type of person keeps telling others how good he is and how hard he has been(what? You thing you are the only one running in the earth). Seriously, no one give a damn about it.

Not enough with that, i also meet people with super multi extra sensitive. People which feels a 10-second ringtone can annoyed them, people which feel annoyed when you wear earphone and talk with them, people that feel annoyed by your voice and keep asking you to shut up. What is wrong with the world today( can someone tell me)? Being sensitive is sweet but being too extra sensitive is sweat( if you know what i mean). OMG!! There's still more(backstabber, attention seeker, bitch, etc)

Man, i just don't meet bad attitude people. I do meet good attitude people. They are my true buddy. It's easy to notice who my true buddy is. They are the type i care the most and will definitely stand out with them.

Sometimes people ask me why i'm so emo, why i'm so down, why i so frustrated. Here i present you the answer. I just a mirror of your attitude. Never ask why i treat you differently(it's karma).

P.s: who says happy people don't have problem. It's just that they are good at handling their emotion. Respect for them :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

5 Awkward Moment In My Life

Wassup everyone..

Here am I again, updating my blog from my mobile again(yup, I'm so bored today that decided to share a post today.

So, what is awkward?

From, akward is define as something embarassing. Does anyone of you out there had any awkawrd moment in your life? I gonna admit it.

Ladies and gentleman,

I present to you my 5 awkward moment in my life.

1. The awkward moment when everyone is busy doing something except you
2. The awkward moment when people talking to you and you are pretending listening (then your
friend ask you a question and you like what)
3. The awkward moment when you reply wrong message because you just scan through your friend
4. The awkward moment when you call the wrong person because they got the same name
5. The awkward moment when you made the wrong decision and you still play cool

Haha.. Thats my post today, hope everyone enjoy it and have a great week. Peace :)

P.s: try imagine this moment happen to you and will you feel awkward or is it just me thinking too much :p

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My internship.. (After 1 month)

time passes really fast..
Currently it's already 1 month i did my internship
Everything went smoothly right now (emm,maybe a bit obstacle).
Yup, i just recover from fever recently (the funny things is now my friend and the lab staff are sick :p)
Feel so sorry for them. Maybe i'm the reason they got sick.
Anyway, hopefully everyone recover quickly.

P.s:so happy my because already 1 month internship. 3 month left. Fighting \(^^)/

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rain On Me..

Here I am again

Miss my train again

Wonder when the next train gonna arrive

Standing alone on grey pavement

Man, I’m so regret

Because I let you go again

I close my eyes and pray

Wishing you will be back at side

But now all I had

Is just rain on me

Never should let you go

I know crying won't be enough so I stop crying.

My Internship..


It’s already March. The month that is full of rain (makes me sleepy all the time). I love rain as long as I don’t have any outdoor activity (TEHEE). This few weeks I was so tired. Everyday had to wake up at 6.30am so that I won’t late to work. Yeayy!! I still late to work though (but it wasn’t my fault, the traffic).

So my latest status is that I currently doing my internship in a lab company at Shah Alam which is quite far from my home. My job is quite simple for this 2 weeks but I hope to learn more (stay hungry, stay foolish). Wish me all the best peps. Will be back for my latest status update. Peace!!

p.s: I have to go sleep early so that everyday I won’t look sleepy at the lab :P